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11:15 PM |

Dragonite Easy way

To get dragonite very quick very simple and very easy instead of haveing to kill gravious and swap its carapace in the swamp you can do extreamly easy 4 star quests making sure you have a pickaxe handy and while on a EASY quest you can get what is needed then take 5-10 mins to mine and usually you will get at least 1-4 Dragonite 1-12 earth crystals 1-15 iron ore 1-6 Mach ore its so simple try it
(Try using collect 12 kelbi horn quest it easy and if you have kelbi lyeing around bring 12 so you can spend all your time mining have fun good luck and see you all online cause i have the game this method does work i do it all the time you have to be HR 13 though...)

easy money with no life taken away(for new players)

If your a new player and you need some easy cash, go to the village elder at the end of the village (the short stubby guy). Then go up to him and talk to him, then take the level one quest 'finding raw meat' and go on it.Then go over to the tree and press squere. you should start off at the bace camp, but go over the the small fire and thre should be a small opening, go through it. Then you should see a small herd of Atonoths (the big spikey dinosaur things).
Go and kill one or two of em and carve em up and get 2 raw meat. Then take it to the red box and press X. After that you will have compleated the quest, earned 50z and then take all of the reward itams and sell them. You should earn about 120z. Then return to the village elder and take the quest again. When you have earned lots of money buy loads of cool stuff and do all the rest of the quests and advance to level 2. Do all the quests that you find easy and give to some cool cash. Do this over and over and over again to really get some searious booty. Buy all the itams and advance in power to become the ultimout monster hunter!!!

Easy money plus items!

the best way for me to make money is by doing that The Land Shark quest. u just need some good armour, Battle seems to work (I have full cephalos) and a good weapon, Golem Blade and iron Katana Grace are excellent Great Swords against a cephadrome.

Firstly, u need to make Sonic Bombs;
Fire Herb + Nitroshroom = Gun Powder
Gunpowder + Screamer(Reward from The Formidable Velocidrome) = Sonic Bombs

-Sonic Bombs
-Cool drinks

When you begin the quest, go to the item box and get all the items out. drink a cool drink and head to Area 1. There should be around 3 cephalos there, they won't be any trouble if you can avoid them. wait there for around 2 minutes and the cephadrome should apear. (If this is your first time on this quest, go to Area 2).

Now for some fun, wait for the wyvern to get close and launch a sonic bomb, it should dive out of sand, start pounding the crap out of it until it stands, when its stood, use a paint ball (supplied in item box) at it. now stand in between its legs and use uppercuts and wide slashes in a combination of the same order, if it DOES escape, it will, if weak, will be in area 3, if it isnt there, continue searching in area 1 or 2.

When it is in area 3, just attack its head full on (If asleep) then when it stands again, continue the uppercut wide slash combination and it will eventually die with ease.

This normally takes me around 3 or 4 minutes to do, and becasue i do this quest a lot, i have full cephalos armour, for both gunner and blademaster, loads of money and sandstorm (gun).

How to harvest those irritating bugs easily

The two bugs that I'm talking about are: The 'vespoids' and the 'honteaurs,' they are both rarely carvable. One means that I've heard about is you get a 'Bone Kris' and upgrade that into, I think its called a 'Poison Hydra'. But the materials required for that are hard to obtain. Instead, get any kind of shotgun, light bowgun, or heavy bowgun, just be sure you have one that can shoot poison arrows. then go on and, "OPEN FIRE!!!"

...*NOTICE: The vespoids should die instantly from this attack but after you attack the honteaurs they still have a few seconds left to bite you.


ok for them who have a hard time killing this monster, its not easy by the way, and also if u have like only about 30def u can still do it, u need about 2-3 traps max big bombs and small ones make sure when the cyrceros gets caught use all 3 big ones then ONE small one and keep attacking with your wepon, i used dragon agito, u should also have max potions and herbs alone come in handy, and when he flashes the bright light you might get confused but u could also twirl the left anolog stick (the one u move with) to get it out of it easier and by the way, zone 2 is the best place to kill him other zones may have the bullfango in them, and other items other then what i said may be required as net and box traps, and flash bombs dont work if u havnt realized that. I hoped this helped you, it took alot of reading but im sure you'll have an easier time killing it, and also u need alot of money for the items you'll have to get, happy hunting, dont die.

Killing the Rathian/Monoblos

Want to know how to get past queen of the desert or the horn of the monoblos, well all you have to do is head up to zone 10 with the alberest+ maxed out with plenty of ammo, you know with the ledge with all those annoying acperos and felnx no?.... WELL FIND IT!!!! its your best bet against the monoblos if you cant roll, because lets face it, the thing is fast, so haul ass up there climb up the ledge use a flute to lure them in and it wont be able too touch you as long as you stay far enough back then just unload with clust, pellet, peirce, normal level 2 in that order and soon it will be on the floor... Dead...Cheque pleas...
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How to beat khezu in snowy mountain?

11:00 PM |

You need:-first aid med(in the box)
                -potion(buy or combine)
                -paintball(buy,sometime in the box or combine)
                -ration (in the box)
                -well done steak(make)
                -hot drink(make,buy,sometimes in the box)
first you must equip a gun than you pick the quest then pick are the stuff in the box than yo go to the area 3 dont forget to drink a hot drink than you must climb the log than when the khezu come you must throw paint ball than  you kepp shooting sometimes it run you must recharge your energy by using a ration or well done steak until your energy full  when its comeback you must keep shooting until it die its maybe run until 3 or 4 times if your gun is powerful maybe its just run 2 or 3 times and if your weapon is weak maybe its just 3 or 5 times.                                      
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